In this tips and tricks post I will demonstrate the usage of the attribute: ‘instance-path’. The instance path attribute allows you to get the instance path of the containing POU in a string variable. Something I find particularly useful for error-logs and debug messages. How to use it 1. We need a string variable which […]
Category: TwinCAT
TwinCAT meets Project Euler

During the latest COVID lock down, scrolling randomly through the internet, I stumbled on Project Euler, a series of mathematical/computer programming problems. So I thought it would be fun to try a few challenges with Structured Text. After completing the first 2 challenges it occurred to me that it might be fun to publish a repo on Github with this project, to see if I can get more people to solve challenges and on the fly creating a lot of mathematical Structured Text example code.
Invoking RPC methods with TwinCAT ADS .NET

RPC method are methods in TwinCAT which can called from outside the scope of your application. For example an OPC UA client or an ADS client. In this post I show how to invoke RPC methods in your TwinCAT PLC from a .NET application.
You should use AND_THEN. OR_ELSE?

In this post I’ll discuss the operators ‘AND_THEN’ and ‘OR_ELSE’. Operators which I find really useful from time to time.
Communicating between Beckhoff controllers part 2: ADS

In part 2 of the series: “Communication between Beckhoff controllers” we discuss the protocol Automation Device Specification or ADS.
Communicating between Beckhoff controllers part 1: EAP

In this posts we show an step by step tutorial for communication between Beckhoff controllers using the EtherCAT Automation Protocal (EAP).